The Main Causes Of Heel Pain

The Main Causes Of Heel Pain

The Main Causes Of Heel Pain | The heel is one part of the pertulangan system of the human body are located in the feet. The heel bone is the largest of the sole of the foot section, this section is located in the back of the lower leg and is a central object of the body while standing. The heels have multiple joints, on the top, heels jointed ankles with bone (talus) and in the future with jointed with liaison with the toes (cuboidal).

Often we experience problems on the heel. Pain and pain in the heel of the frequently worrying, because it's true, the pain in the heel often identifying that there is a problem in the body. Well at this time, the blog posting all kinds of Cancer will share interesting information about it titled "the main causes of Heel pain", good reading;

The Main Causes Of Heel Pain

1. Inflammation of ligaments

The main causes of Heel Pain can be due to Inflammation of ligaments. characteristic of inflammation of ligaments is a pain in the heel of the foot when you wake up. It is commonplace to occur, but it needs to be avoided. The main cause of inflammation of ligaments that heel pain menyembabkan there are a lot of factors, among others; obesity, a job that demands a lot of standing, sitting too long, or shoes that don't fit on your feet. such as, narrow shoes, shoes that are established are thin, and shoes without arch support.

2. Uric acid

In addition to being caused by inflammation of ligaments. The main cause of Heel Pain is uric acid. usually a high uric acid levels will cause a sore heel, this is because the occurrence of sediment crystals that make the nerves at foot is compromised, it then makes heel pain in the feet.

3. Plantar Fasciitis

The main cause of Heel Pain is Plantar Fasciitis. Plantar fascia itself is actually the connective tissue at the bottom of the foot that is useful as a shock absorber body. Heel pain due to plantar fasciitis is the most common cause, usually this happens because your excess weight too menompang on the body, causing irritation and inflammation that menimbulakn great pain on the heels of your feet.

4. Heel Spur

Other causes of heel pain is leg strain that occur continuously in the Plantar Fasciitis that ultimately led to the growth of new bone that is referred to as a heel spur. Heel spur may cause pain at the base of the foot and the heel bone. Pain in the heel usually disappear after a few moments, but can be restored. The pain often returns when standing up after sitting for long.

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