How to cultivate skin benefits of the mangosteen Being Drug

How to cultivate skin benefits of the mangosteen Being Drug
before we review how processing of the mangosteen rind, let's look at the first
the greatness of the mangosteen is often referred to refer to as the Queen of all fruit.
the greatness of the mangosteen rind as a remedy has no doubt.

a few dozen processed product circulating in the market either in the country or abroad, because no other benefits as well as its benefits.

the skin also has benefits for health and beauty. high antioksidannya content make mangosteen can cure a variety of ailments, starting from the easy to the cancer. Moreover, it can also be to lose weight. is it true?

feels slightly unique, i.e. sweet, sour and bitter make mangosteen much liked by people. mangosteen (garcinia mangostana l.) is a local plant that grows in the hot climate and rainfall is evenly distributed. Indonesia-producing centers namely mangosteen exported to diverse the world like America as well as Europe.

mangosteen has more or less the height 6-20 mtr. with purple leaves. buahmanggis size is not too large, approximately the size of a tennis ball. w'rnanya reddish purple with white flesh of the fruit. the content of the fruit flesh has 4-8ruas. feels slightly acidic, sweet as well as bitter. this bitter taste comes from the Peel.

the benefits of the mangosteen rind

mangosteen is meant also the queen of fruits or fruit of his Queen. No wonder, because the nutrient content is indeed in the mangosteen provide various benefits to health and beauty. Unlike other fruit, mangosteen fruit at the nobody thrown.

the flesh of the fruit, the seeds until the peel can be extracted so food and health mninuman premium class. especially on the skin of the mangosteen fruit benefits exceed the meat, because it has a very high antioxidant content.

mangosteen is rich can vit. B1, b2 and c, calcium, potassium, iron sodiumdan. mangosteen also has deposits of xanthone, mangostin, garsinon, flavonoids, epicatechin, spingomyolinase and gartanin. in the skin of the fruit, the most high xanthone content, i.e. 40%.

with high xanthone content (, 97 mg/ml), in the skin of the fruit of the mangosteen which can kill disease and perform repair already damaged cells and make the protection of some cells in the body.

natural xanthone chemical substance, namely, the polyhenolic compound that can be used as an astringent to treat a variety of diseases. xanthone has benefits as a cure for heart disease, aterosklorosis (plaque in the blood vessels), hypertension and thrombosis.

diverse benefits of disease

mangosteen can help destroy the entire disease in the body as well as make improvements in body and antibody system regenerate cells.

in the skin of the mangosteen antioxidant tremendous power exists that can prevent free radicals. These free radicals enter past the food consumed and so the major cause of heart disease, stroke, cancer and so on. as well as a very good prevention i.e. with consuming mangosteen with regular. (Dr. IR. said raffi paramawati, m. the great Hall, from the development of agricultural mechanization)
compared to other fruit, mangosteen antioxidant content at higher. antioksidannya substances let alone exceed the vit. e. the xanthone fruit mangosteen on the skin that are useful as antioxidants namely alpha mangostin and gamma mangostin.

the 2nd of these antioxidants act as immune system, antibiotics (ampisilin and minosin), antifungal, anticancer, antiviral, anti diabetic as well as antiradang. high antioksidannya content make mangosteen as anticancer. the reason, could encourage cancer cells to apoptosis or cell destruction do kankernya. In addition, mangosteen rind character i.e. antiproliferasi i.e. hinders the development of cancer cells. cancer can be treated by skin antioxidant mangosteen is breast cancer, blood cancer (leukemia), gastric cancer, lung cancer, cancer of the colon (large intestine) and liver cancer. the skin of the fruit can make drug manggispun kemotherapi as well as reduce the impact of the kemotherapi.

xanthone is also said to be anti-bacterial because it could hinder the development of the bacteria mycobacterium tubercolosis (tbc) and staphylococcus aureus (bakteripenyebab infections and digestive problems). mangosteen rind was recognized as a cure for alzheimer's, asthma, acne, dysentery, diarrhea, mouth ulcers, bronchitis, pneumonia, ulcers, parkinson's, osteoporosis, hiv, uric acid, lower dananti, kolestrol content-depression. mangosteen rind could squeeze the development of hiv to virur the spread of the virus did not extend to some of the others.

xanthone in mangosteen rind then recognized for helping in weight loss because it could stimulate some fat in the body. skin benefits manggispun could be said as a medicine to cure strain on muscles or joints. not only for the health of the skin, the fruit of the mangosteen is also

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