Kinds of Kinds of Cancer

The definition and understanding of cancer

Cancer is an abnormal condition is on the cell body i.e. the occurrence of cells grow and grow quickly beyond the limits of reasonableness of cell division. It could be said that the cancer tumor tumour but definitely not necessarily cancer. It is therefore important for us to get to know the difference. The rapid cell growth but still controlled the only enlarged in benign this is known by the term tumor cell growth quickly while not controlled with ferocious damage other tissues of the body that are known as cancer cells. The tumor is not too dangerous while cancer is very dangerous and is believed to cause about 25% of all deaths.

Cancer prevention

Very important gathering correct information about cancer not only for yourself but also to share to others. There are a few tips to note in cancer prevention efforts:

1. Consumes nutrients containing protective substances from due to free radicals such as food berkarbohidrat and vegetable protein, rich in fiber, vitamins B, E, and C, folate and carotenoids.

2. Avoid the risk of a variety of factors potentially gave rise to the symptoms of cancer. Basically the cause of cancer is relatively the same i.e., genetic and environmental. As for the various cancer-causing factors are briefly as follows:

-Lifestyle including diet, sex, etc.
-Chemicals, pollution, and free radicals
-Ionizing radiation and electromagnetic waves
-Viruses and bacteria Infection
-Metabolic Imbalances
-Hormonal imbalances
-Immune system Dysfunction
-psychological and emotional

3. conduct examination (screening) the possibility of cancer symptoms as early as possible. As a aims at early detection screening against a possible symptoms of cancer or the presence of the disease before it is too severe. Consult the doctor about the advantages and disadvantages of cancer screening before doing the examination such as x-rays and others. On lung cancer symptoms for example there are some procedures include: test test test, sputum cytology thoracentesis, bronchoscopy and tests.

Symptoms of cancer

Following a number of characteristics and signs of cancer:
A very painful and unusual in certain areas and lasts a long time likely was caused by a tumor or cancer pressure on nerves and vessels in the vicinity especially if not caused by injuries or pain ever felt before.
Bleeding or unusual discharge expenses during micturition, nosebleeds and so on.
Constant bowel movements (diarrhea) or difficult defecation within rather long
Weight dropped drastically
The existence of a lump in the breast
Digestive disorders
Changes in skin moles warts resemble painful skin flushed pigments and mengulupas
Cough failed recover
Constant fatigue
If you experience one or more of the above characteristics of cancer soon check with a doctor and not delays postponed.

Various cancer diseases

1. Cervical (between the uterus with the vagina)
2. Breast
3. The brain
4. the Heart
5. Ovary (ovaries)
6. The pancreas
7. The eyes
8. The tongue
9. Prostate
10. The skin
11. The stomach
12. the bile duct
13. The bladder
14. the lining of the uterus (Endometrium)
15. Large intestine
16. blood (Leukemia)
17. The lungs
18. Nasopharynx (between the nose and esophagus)
19. The testes
20. bone
21. oral/mouth
22. the pancreas
23. The tongue
24. Colon 12 finger
25. Lymphoma
26. The Penis
27. Pussy
28. The larynx
29. The kidney
30. Myeloma
31. rectal/Anal
32. thyroid
33. the content
34. the stomach
35. the nose
36. esofhagus
37. the gum
38. the neck
39. gear
40. the head
41. tonsil
42. the parotid
43. the sine
44. neuroblastoma
45. the mandible
46. the mediastinum
47. the spleen
48. Cruse
49. the muscle
50. the esophagus

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