Prevent Disease Of Brain Cancer

Hi buddy, who the hell is not familiar with the word cancer? If the apasih heard the word that comes to your mind? Do you think that cancer is a disease/malignant tumor that can invade the body organs/vital tool though and can be deadly, especially with someone not yet found a cure for brain cancer itself. Hmm, seems to be terrible not to hear this one disease. How many people every day who died of this disease? How much did the money and any form of material runs out for the sake of maintaining health by fighting this disease? This disease is very wild and extraordinary fast growing in your brain

As we know that the brain is the source and center of all the activity/activities that can be terjalankan daily, he is the center of the stimulus moves all the organs of our body to run the task each. Can you imagine when the brain as the center of all operations of the organs of the body you die instantly are attacked by evil sickness which is famous with the name of that Brain Cancer. Of course you do not want this happen to you right? Not to you or the person closest to you, the person you loved and cared about this deadly disease affected. There is no cure, a form of treatment is expensive anyway, seems to be a figurative words we often hear such ditelinga that is recorded in our memory if talking about this disease.

The mortality rate in Indonesia is currently much in impact by some people who suffer from the disease of brain cancer, imagine if every day millions of malignant tumor cells is always undermining those who are affected by the disease, plus wicked disease i.e. knows no limits age, it can happen to anyone, either kids, teens to parents and most of us do not know the symptoms experienced.

Some of the symptoms of this disease are as follows:

  • There is pain in head, headache may have customarily experienced by most people, but if the headache arising behind head/behind the ear is unusual, why? Because cancer cells that are growing and if the pressure does not appear reasonable, he will quickly spread to the nerves and can trigger nerve damage.
  • Disorders of the senses sight, if you are having an ongoing headache and pain, then followed with the constant nausea, and your view toward something become blurred/double/shaded you should be alert to the symptoms.
  • Unusual Behavior changes, the demolition of the previous behavior caused by frequent keramnya hands/feet, usually called numb, then difficult to maintain balance in your body, and coupled with the latest capture power to something can also be said to be one of the symptoms of this cancer.
To anticipate so as not to exposed the disease, we recommend that you immediately change your living pattern, then if you experience symptoms such as the disebutan above soon might do some checking to the medical team to do all kinds of consultation and examination. In addition, treatment in a natural/traditional/herbal as well you can do, like most people say that Ant can be a drug for preventive/overcoming cancer cells of the brain.

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