Causes and symptoms of Cervical Cancer

Causes and symptoms of the disease of cervical cancer – one of the female reproductive diseases are very dangerous is cervical cancer, cervical cancer disease become very dangerous because it was killing an awful lot of women, especially women living in developing countries.

After a study, it turns out that the main cause of cervical cancer is HPV viruses or human papilovirus. The research showed that HPV 16 and 18 numbered can attack the women more often than 100 types of HPV viruses.

Not only just, but HPV cervical cancer can also be caused by other factors, the following causes of cervical cancer in addition to HPV:

-Contagious Infections due to sexual.
-Intercourse since a young age.
-Smoking and drinking alcohol in excess.
-Bergonta-change sex partners.
-Use of chemical drugs that can trigger the growth of cancer cells in the reproductive organs.

Many women are not aware of the early symptoms of cervical cancer disease emergence, so this makes the cancer was already in the final stages when the woman has not been manyadarinya and cause of treatment becomes obstructed, the following symptoms of cervical cancer disease that you can set as a guideline:

-The emergence of a sense of back pain, pelvic and foot pain.
-The occurrence of irregular mentruasi cycle or not in accordance with the schedule.
-The occurrence of abnormal bleeding while or sexual intercourse.
-The appearance of swelling in the feet, but the swelling occurs only on one foot only.
-The onset of weight loss due to loss of appetite.
-Often felt a smarting, soreness and pain in the lower part of the abdomen.
-Often feel tired easily but do not do any activity.

Now that some of the causes and symptoms of cervical cancer, so that you are not developing cervical cancer, so it is very important to avoid the cause of cervical cancer, in addition to make sure you are completely free of cervical cancer disease, better check with your doctor if you experience some of the symptoms of the disease of cervical cancer.

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